Sunday, July 20, 2008

Life is calling...

I'm leaving for Uganda in about two weeks. July 30th will be (hopefully) the last time I will ever waitress. Waitressing has been a love-hate thing because I loved the people I worked with, but sometimes a disgruntled customer or two can really put you in a sour mood. All in all, I think it taught me patience, humility, how to not sweat the small stuff, and how to put on a smile when you really just want to punch someone in the face. The money I've made will all be used for travelling over the next two years. I want to see some gorillas.
My motivation to go was totally rooted in the things I learned and saw and the people I met while I was at Catholic U. My Habitat trips showed me the joy and rewards of physical labor, the Opus Prize opened my eyes to service abroad, and Mission Jamaica encouraged me to make a real connection with the poor and vulnerable. I'm called to service. I'm called to dive in head first and give my whole life to others.
If anyone has ever been in my room at school, I hope they saw my HUGE Barbara Bush poster. My favorite quote of hers is this: "Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others." Not only is Barbara Bush sexy, she can articulate so perfectly my feelings for service. When I am performing service, whether it's building a new house for someone who has never lived in one or teaching a Jamaican child to read using my Scrabble letters, I feel closest to God. I feel totally myself. I feel home.
I'm going to miss everyone a lot, and at times throughout the last year I was tempted to give it all up and find a job in DC or something. However, through all the preparation, I've never felt so right about something, and I know I'll see all of those whom I love when I get back (or when all of my gorgeous friends get married & I have to fly back for their weddings). I love you all so much. It would be impossible for me to do this without knowing how much support I have from you.

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